What We Have Done to Reduce Bullying


We appointed an Anti-Bullying Strategy Manager as a proactive measure in 2002. Since then our strategy has been working to reduce bullying in Leicestershire schools. We are one of the founder members of the Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA) and were largely responsible for the development of a national anti-bullying week.

We have established a national reputation and many local authorities have contacted us for help in developing their own strategy. We have developed this website to provide information and support for professionals, parents and young people and we have led the way nationally in piloting new initiatives.

The Team work closely with schools and other organisations such as youth groups, early years providers and School Governor Services to provide up to date and comprehensive information and training around anti-bullying.

We are proud of our 'Beyond Bullying Award', which has gone from strength to strength and is now well established. Schools who sign up to the award and are required to show the impact of their anti-bullying policies along with demonstrating that they meet a range of other anti-bullying criteria. It is an excellent way for schools to gain accreditation and recognition for its achievements in embedding effective anti-bullying practice.