These resources have been collated with Professionals in mind. We also have Resources for Parents and Resources for Young People on this website which you may wish to look at, or you can use our full Publication Search to help you find documents about particular issues.
Remember, if you're a professional working in Leicestershire you can also contact us with any questions or comments you may have about bullying or this website.
An easy-read leaflet giving information about bullying – what it is and how to stop it.
Pupils Bullying Others - Anti-Bullying Alliance (PDF, 920 Kb)
Supporting young people who bully:
A guide for school and children's
workforce staff.
Useful Books
Book Recommendations - Library Services for Education
This webpage contains recommendations from Library Services for Education that can be borrowed by schools who subscribe to their service.
Other Useful Resources
The Anti-Bullying Alliance is a coalition of organisations and individuals that are united against bullying. You will find useful resources and information to help with anti-bullying in your school on their website.
Things to Try is a collection of resources to help support children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing, put together by Fife CAMHS. Some are aimed at children and young people, some are more for parents and carers, and some are designed for professionals who work with children and young people.
Counselling Directory
Search for a counsellor or psychotherapist near you.
If you're in need of support, search the network to be connected with a professional counsellor or psychotherapist.