SEN and Disability

Involving children and young people when responding to bullying – advice for schools

A range of 'Easy Read' anti-bullying advice leaflets were designed primarily for young people with learning disabilities but mainstream primary schools report that they are simple and easy to understand.

The "Keep Safe" leaflets were created as a set of five, designed with the aim of helping adults with learning disabilities or children, to keep safe while using the internet and other technology.

The Anti-Bullying Alliance have some great information and resources to help prevent and tackle bullying based on SEN and Disability.

Bullying and deaf children

We know from talking to families that most deaf pupils enjoy their time at school. However, whilst any child can be a target of bullying, there is evidence to suggest that deaf children can be more vulnerable to bullying than others.

If you are concerned about your deaf child and bullying, have a look at the National Deaf Children Society's website and free resources for parents, educational professionals, and young people.

Mencap Campaign - Don't Stick It, Stop It!

Mencap are running a campaign against bullying called 'Don't Stick It, Stop It'! Find out more on the campaign website

Hate Incidents

A hate incident is any incident where you or someone else has been targeted because they or you are seen as being different. Anyone can be a victim of hate because of prejudice against their age, disability, gender identity, race, religion/belief or sexual orientation.

If you live in the County, incidents may be reported to Leicestershire County Council's Hate Monitoring Project by telephone on 0116 3058263.

If you live within Leicester City you can receive advice from and report incidents to the Race Equality Centre on 0116 2999800.

Incidents can also be reported online.