Schools have a significant role in ensuring that race equality is part of the education and development of children and young people. Further, in line with the Public Sector Equality Duty, they must ensure that children are being taught in an environment that is promoting their well-being and recognising and valuing their identities.
Why do we need an anti-racist approach within education?
Schools can change pupils' lives which is why it is important that all schools have an inclusive and supportive approach.
Education is a crucial place where we can challenge the 'normalisation' of many forms of racism, including Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism.
Training and other interventions will not be effective unless there is a culture of open discussions about race and racism, where staff and young people are acknowledged as key to developing solutions.
Leicestershire's anti-racist audit tools were developed to support schools in improving their anti-racist practice. They were piloted with primary schools during 2021-2022 and with secondary schools during 2023-2024.
Schools found the audit tools helpful in identifying areas of good practice along with areas for development and discussion.
Schools are encouraged to use the audit tool to support them in getting started.
Straightforward and easy to understand and complete.
We will continue this next year and this is identified on our School Development Plan.
Ofsted feedback on personal development and diversity in Leicestershire schools
Some pupils do not have a detailed enough knowledge of diversity, for example of cultures and families that are different from their own. Leaders should make sure that the curriculum contains effective opportunities for pupils to develop their knowledge of diversity.
There is a strong focus on pupils' broader development. There is a well-planned programme, with a strong ethos of inclusion and respect. This prepares pupils well for life in modern Britain.
Some pupils make derogatory comments about those who are different to them, including those of a different ethnicity or gender. Leaders must ensure that the school has a culture where such behaviour is not tolerated. Pupils must have confidence that staff will deal with such issues effectively.
Through the curriculum, pupils of all ages learn about a range of faiths and cultures. They understand the school's four core values of patience, hope, perseverance and constancy. They are learning to be thoughtful, respectful young citizens.
Additional Resources
Primary Anti-Racist Teaching Project
The Part Project is developing resources and information to embed anti-racist teaching into everyday classroom learning.
Ally Toolkit 2021 (PDF, 1.2 Mb)
Parent's guide to black lives matter (PDF, 2.3 Mb)