So You Think Your Child Is Gay? (PDF, 1.4 Mb)
Stonewall's parent guide is designed to give answers to some of the common questions that parents might have when they think their child is gay, or has just come out.
Exploring the school's actions to prevent homophobic bullying (Ofsted) (MS Word, 595 Kb)
Exploring the school's actions to prevent homophobic bullying (Ofsted), provides background/further information for their inspectors and is a useful resource for other professionals too.
DfE - Preventing and Tackling Bullying (PDF, 251 Kb)
Preventing and Tackling Bullying is a DfE-produced document giving advice for head teachers, staff and governing bodies. It has been produced to help schools prevent and respond to bullying as
part of their overall behaviour policy, to understand their legal responsibilities in this area, and to understand the Department’s approach.Bullying Advice for Parents and Carers (PDF, 705 Kb)
This leaflet, produced by Leicestershire County Council and Leicester City Council provides useful information and advice about tackling bullying for parents and carers.
Cyberbullying Advice for Parents and Carers (PDF, 1.3 Mb)
This leaflet has been produced by Leicestershire County Council and Leicester City Council and gives information and advice about Cyberbullying.
Keep Safe Online: Cyberbullying (PDF, 948 Kb)
An easy-read leaflet about cyberbullying - what it is and what you can do if you are being bullied online or through your phone.
Keep Safe Online: Personal Information (PDF, 790 Kb)
An easy-read leaflet about keeping your personal information and money safe when using the internet and phone.
Keep Safe Online: Photos and Videos (PDF, 688 Kb)
An easy-read leaflet about keeping safe when sharing photos and videos on your computer and mobile phone.
Keep Safe Online: Social Networking Sites (PDF, 1.1 Mb)
An easy-read leaflet about keeping safe when using social networking sites.
Keep Safe Online: Glossary of Terms (PDF, 638 Kb)
An easy-read leaflet which helps you to understand all the hard words linked to computers and mobile phones
Peer Support - Principles for Good Practice (PDF, 631 Kb)
This leaflet provides Advice for Schools, Colleges & Children and Young People's Services on Peer Support - what it is, types of peer support and how to choose and run a successful peer support scheme.
Anti-Bullying Advice Leaflet (PDF, 1 Mb)
An easy-read leaflet giving information about bullying – what it is and how to stop it.
DfE Advice for Parents on Cyberbullying (PDF, 185 Kb)
Published in November 2014