This year we are calling on the school community to take action to stop the bullying of ALL children and young people – including disabled children – those research shows are significantly more likely to experience bullying in schools and the wider community.

This Anti-Bullying Week we aim to:
- equip schools, colleges and youth service leaders with resources to develop youth led anti-bullying initiatives and encourage inclusive attitudes amongst children and young people;
- educate those who support and work with children to recognise children and young people who may be particularly vulnerable to bullying - encouraging an inclusive approach within all anti-bullying education; and
- ensure the school community understand that the use of any discriminatory language is wrong and will not be tolerated and that using disablist language is taken as seriously as racist, sexist and homophobic language in schools.
Beyond Bullying wristbands!
Our Anti-Bullying wristbands have arrived just in time for Anti-Bullying Week 2014!
A blue wristband with our web address on will be given to everyone who attends our launch event on Monday 17th November

Leicestershire Anti-Bullying Surveys for years 4 & 8

Following the pilot of our anti-bullying surveys last year, we have made some changes and identified specific year groups in order to get the most from the data we collect this year. We would like students from years 4 and 8 in Leicestershire schools to complete the survey during Anti-Bullying Week. We understand schools have a lot going on during this week though so we will keep the surveys and links open until November 28th. You coul make the survey part of an ICT or PSHE lesson for the whole year group or just select a smaller focus group to represent your school.
Once your school has submitted their completed surveys and we have analysed the data, we will send you your own data so that you can look at bullying behaviour in your school. You will also receive the county wide data to enable you to see how your school compares to the rest of Leicestershire.
In taking part in the surveys, you will help us to understand more about bullying in Leicestershire and how best we can be a part of preventing and tackling it.
All special schools in Leicestershire will have received an email with a copy of the survey in easy read format which can be printed, completed and posted back to us. If you have not received your copy and would like one, please contact a member of the Anti-Bullying Team on 0116 3057570 or email
Please follow the relevant link below to begin the survey and don't forget to click 'submit' once you have finshed!:
This is for LEICESTERSHIRE schools only

Primary/KS 1&2 Assembly
Cat and his friends return to tell the story about Cat's experiences of starting a new school with a special educational need. The powerpoint also contains basic notes pages for staff.
Secondary/KS 3&4 Assembly
This assembly looks at famous figures from the past and present who have achieved great things despite having a disability. The people in the presentation reflect a wide range of disabilities - some are quite obvious and some are not. Students are encouraged to think about what role they can play in supporting peers with a special educational need or disability. Notes pages for staff are also included.
For more ideas around this year's Anti-Bullying Week, follow the links below:
The Great Rainbow Bake Off!

Educate & Celebrate has joined forces with Gay Star News to bring you The "Edu-bake & Cel-a-cake" Great Rainbow Bake Off. They are asking all schools to send them pictures of your home-baked rainbow cakes to raise awareness during National Anti-Bullying week 17-21st November 2014. This year the theme is 'creatively dealing with bullying' so what better way to get involved than to bake a glorious rainbow cake!
Judges of the Great Rainbow Bake-off 2014 include Elly Barnes CEO and Founder of Educate & Celebrate, Scott Nunn, Director of Gay Star News and special celebrity guests!
The 10 winning entries will be asked to comment on why anti-bullying week is important to them, have a taste score sheet filled in by their teachers and then have their beautiful cake photograph published in Gay Star News. The competition is open to schools from all over the world!
For further information about the Great Rainbow Bake Off, please see below: